Get Leaner and Stronger Now With More Carbs!

In recent years, while the rest of the world continued to live in fear of fat, the fitness community totally embraced it.  Carbohydrates became the target of our frustrations; we blamed them for making us fat, compromising our immune function, keeping us inflamed, and generally ruining our lives.  We’ve learned our lesson now and carbs have had their reputation restored.  It’s really about time, considering the role that carbohydrates play in exercise.
NOTE:   This article discusses a few theoretical concepts that have been tested and shown great results in numerous real-world applications.  It’s important to understand the difference because an interpretation of the way things work on a micro level may not always be accurate as research evolves, and it may not make that much of a difference in the great scheme of things.  If you’re already doing everything right and you’re looking for a way to tweak things to get an extra few percent-worth of muscle growth, fat loss, or performance, this is the article for you. Read more →


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