
Showing posts from September, 2017

Wanna Get Rid Of Back Fat But Donno How? Do This Now And Thank Me Later 😉

FAT HANGING AROUND your mid or lower back and sides (not-so-lovingly called love handles) can be tough to lose. The good news is your efforts aren't futile; you can sculpt your back with the right nutrition and workout plan. Here's everything you need to know about banishing your back fat for good.  Why does fat accumulate here? For once, you can't blame genetics. Back fat is an indicator of a poor diet, a flawed workout regimen, and/or a lack of muscle mass. People focus on what they see in the mirror. Most guys have lagging hamstrings, glutes, and back because they...  Read more →

Here Is Your Bible To Lose Fat. Guard It With Your Life!

Losing   fat   isn't the same thing as losing   weight . This is how it all works. Read more →

This Is How To Eat Right For Your Body Type!

All body types are unique and beautiful, but have you ever wondered why people store fat in certain areas of their body? Some women have a tendency to gain weight around their midsection, others around their hips and thighs. We all have our "problem areas" and weight-loss issues that are based on our body type. Today Amal Hantash tells you which foods work best for you so you can lose weight and stay healthy. This body shape is characterized by having narrow hips and an undefined waist. Although you are less likely to gain weight, you should incorporate foods with healthy fats (avocado, almonds, salmon, etc.) and plant-based proteins into your diet. Remember...  Read more →

Pssst, A Number Of Myths Associated With Anabolic Steroids Are Being Discussed Here!

Anabolic steroids could possibly be the most misunderstood class of drugs prescribed today. Steroids are believed by many to be some sort of magical potion that will turn ordinary men into muscle bound monsters with super human strength. Prescription drugs as a whole are viewed as medications that are a necessity to treat a particular medical condition, while recreational drugs are viewed as substances that lead to addiction, crime, and violence. On the other hand, anabolic steroids are viewed as the drugs that fuel cheating athletes. Sports fans sit on barstools discussing steroid use among professional athletes any time ESPN...  Read more →

Want to lose weight fast? Best gym workouts by MP45 team

Want to lose weight fast? Find out more  here ...  Read more →

Easy Peasy Workout To A Sexy Bride

Are you ready to get in shape for the biggest day of your life? Here is one of my  bridal workouts for you. Following it,  you are sure to tone up in no time. There is one workout per day; each workout is only 15 minutes and you can do them at home. Pair that with a sensible diet and lots of water and you will be ready to not only wear your wedding gown, but rock your honeymoon lingerie confidently as well.   Before you get started on your bridal workout, you are going to need a few supplies....  Read more →

Besides Health Problems, Other Reasons You Are Always Hungry!

Unusually big appetite can be a symptom of health problems, but there could be some other reasons why you can’t stop eating.Here is an explanation to why you are always feeling hungry.     You eat too much carbohydrates If your evening meal was rich in carbohydrates, it is very possible that the next day you’ll feel hungry, even after you eat. When we consume high quantities of carbohydrates at once, especially high glycemic index carbs, it leads to the release of high doses of insulin in the body. Because your blood cannot tolerate too much sugar, your body naturally produces the...  Read more →

MP45 best gym workouts online. Get trained and lose weight by the experts

MP45 best gym workouts online. Get trained and lose weight by the expert. MP45 45 day workout program, Muscle Prodigy’s premier 45 day workout program and meal plan guide. Build lean muscle with MP45. Below is a case study to show you documented proved results. No mimics.   Download your copy today!   Wanna know what the program consists of?  Check below video   Need more convincing? Checkout what some of our happy clients say about the program:   Ready to get ripped in 45 Days with MP45 workout?  Click "Download Now" to get your copy today! Download Now!  Read more →

Frustrated over Valentine's Day Gift? I can help you with it

Valentine's Day might be the worst but romance is not. Here's how to give a romantic gift—on February 14th or any day of the year—that fuels the fire, instead of igniting a blowout fight. know which cliches are fair game. Teddy bears are generally a bad idea, chocolates will work just fine, and sex toys are appropriate on a case-by-case basis (if you have to think about it, don't do it). These gifts should go over exceptionally well; while they're typical, they're also the kind of crowd-pleasers that get the job done.     Flowers Instead of grabbing an $8.99,... Read more →

How to Pack on Serious Mass!

Many of us seem to think that losing weight demands careful planning and plenty of dedication and patience, while gaining mass is easy and doesn’t require any special attention – just lift a bunch of heavy weights for an hour every day and your muscle growth will explode, right? Wrong, because your diet amounts to almost half of your bodybuilding success and you can’t expect great results if you don’t put in the effort to feed your body properly. Other people, who at least realize that eating like a bird won’t help you build a mammoth physique, tend to favor... Read more →

How To Use Marathon Reps To Fast-Track New Gains

One hundred. It’s crazy, right? In regard to reps per set, it’s huge. You may not have ever considered cranking out a set of 100—until now. The training style popularly known as 100s targets slow-twitch muscle fibres and permanently enhances blood flow to your muscles. In other words, it’s a unique and effective means of boosting growth. And there’s nothing crazy about that.     Okay, so some famous and semi-famous bodybuilders ripped out marathon sets. But does it work? And if so, how does it work? Advocates claim it boosts growth, enhances muscularity, and brings a subtly different look... Read more →

Unveil The Reasons To Never Skip Breakfast Again

We all hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do you really know why? Let me share some valuable pieces of information on this topic to help you understand the importance of breakfast and never skip it again:   Breakfast helps you lose weight. People who usually skip their breakfast are 50% more likely to become overweight. Breakfast improves your intellectual performance. Having breakfast actually increases your level of concentration and improves your memory and other mental abilities. Breakfast is a good nutritious start to your day. It's scientifically proven that people who eat breakfast every day have more nutritious diets. Having breakfast reactivates... Read more →

Don't Do This To Your Chest!

Try to walk into the gym any Monday, and you'll see the majority of guys working like mad on their pecs. So why is it that chest usually leads off the training week? Well, because big pecs are cool! Just by remembering  the Terminator, Rocky, and Superman we see why most men covet massive, thick, and striated pectorals. The funny (or sad really) thing is, despite all of the hard work, very few get to display the kind of chests that make jaws drop.   Building perfect-pecs is not as easy as lying on a bench and mindlessly pressing humongous... Read more →

Don't Know What Type Of Sports Shoes To Select?

Don't Know What Type Of Sports Shoes To Select?Watch this video to discover key factors to quality sports shoes for YOUR workout. Good News: Brand name is not one of them!  Read more →

Don't Like Jogging? Hope You Like Your Body Weight...

Before you start losing weight, it’s important to decide on how you’re going to go about doing so. First of all, you should decide on how many pounds of weight you want to lose and how much time it’ll take. If you want to make sure most of the weight lost is body fat, you shouldn’t burn more than two to three pounds of body weight per week. This is because losing too much weight in a too short a period of time can result in losing muscle mass, weakening your immune system and causing constant tiredness. After you decide upon the... Read more →

Beyond Calorie Reduction - Factors To Consider For Specific Needs Of Dieting Bodybuilders

Sorry to burst the bubble: the idea that burning 3,500 calories will burn a pound of fat may be true on paper, but it’s not always true in reality. In the best of all possible worlds, when you cut 3,500 calories from your diet, you should lose a pound of body fat, but that’s not always the case.  There’s a lot more to dropping bodyfat than just the numbers. In fact, if we were to stubbornly remain steadfast to the mathematical model for bodyfat management, then dieting for a bodybuilding contest would be little more than an exercise in pushing... Read more →

Lose Weight Fast Following 3 Easy Steps.

This Doctor is revealing his top secrets to boost your metabolism and lose weight fast. Following 3 easy steps, you could notice results in as soon as 1-2 days, looking leaner, and more fit. Watch this video for details: P.S. I love how he said give it over to God ...   Read more →

Get The Body Of Your Superhero In No Time!

 So, yEsSs, we don't just pump it up, We build bodies. Better, we sculpt them like ziiiis (in these 2 case studies) ;) and yes, super fast like superheros :) Ladies & Gentlemen: Click "Sign Up" today to start your body transformation IN NO TIME. Don't miss out! Sign Up!  Read more →

Sneak Peak To The Best Meals To Eat As A Bodybuilder - With The Why Revealed!

Sometimes “good” isn’t quite good enough. “Good” grades don’t get you into an Ivy League school. Making a merely “good” movie doesn’t get you a Best Picture statuette. Bodybuilding fans know that “good” doesn’t even get you near a Mr. Olympia pose down. Knowing that, why would you settle for a good meal plan when you can have a terrific one with just a few tweaks? To eat like a true bodybuilder and optimise your results in the gym, you need to pay attention to the specifics, like when to eat slow-burning carbs and when to rely on the fast-burning variety, and... Read more →

Wanna Increase Your Training Efficiency? Learn Which Muscle You’re Stretching

Disregarding your lifestyle – whether you are a party animal, chronic worker or a workout addict, you’ve probably heard by now just how important it was to stretch. And as truths go, this one is highly spot on. Stretching increases the blood flow in your muscles and helps your joints to exploit their full range of motion. It also improves your posture and enhances your athletic performance at reduced risk of pain and injury. However, knowing the importance of stretching is not sufficient to endeavour into practising yoga or starting a flexibility routine. In order to make your exercises efficient,... Read more →

ah ha! So, Exercise Doesn’t Work!

Now, that might sound shocking coming from a woman bodybuilder with 16% body fat; from a woman that recommends lots of exercise, at least 5 hours per week. So if this all seems incongruent, I guess I should qualify the statement above. I guess I should have probably said... Ah well watch out the below vidd to find out: Read more →

My Favorite Fat Burning Foods For Faster Weight Loss

Ask the average person about her personal goals, and all too often, there’s one common thread: losing weight. While the reasons are often superficial (after all, who doesn’t want to look good in their swimsuit or summer attire?), the reality is that the benefits of losing weight go far beyond what’s reflected in the mirror — and fat-burning foods can help you get there. Chowing down on fat-burning foods can help you drop pounds and potentially reverse diabetes. It also reduces your risk of obesity, which has been linked to a higher risk of cancers. Introducing more fat-burning foods can also boost energy levels and... Read more →

Oh Boy! Your Calves Aren't Growing? Here Is Why...

Here's what you need to know... Contrary to some naysayers, your calves have significant growth potential and should be able to grow as big as your arms or your neck by training them in line with their functional anatomy. The first step to bigger calves is prioritizing them by working them first. Incorporate calf jumps to stimulate the calves with a heavy compound lift that has a natural movement pattern. Here are the reasons your calves don't quite get mistaken for your quads. 1 – Genetics Many people argue that calf size is almost completely genetically determined. There's some truth... Read more →

Follow These Must Do Laws If You Want To Train To Lose Fat

When it comes to fat loss, there are some specific training principles that you must apply to your workouts. While some of the fundamentals may still stay the same, by altering a typical workout and applying these principles you can fast forward your fat loss, and get remarkable results in a matter of weeks. Here are 8 fat loss laws that you need to apply to your training program today. 1. Perform Metabolic Resistance Training My metabolic resistance training workouts are the ultimate fat loss workout, because they allow you to increase your fat burning hormones, boost your metabolism, and... Read more →

Guess What, You Can Skip These Fitness Exercises, They're Overrated.

People get emotionally attached to certain physical practices. Their commitment and beliefs about them will turn something that was once benign into a ritual. The result? Repeatedly doing ineffective stuff, or worse, doing more of the exact thing that's making them injured. If you find yourself aimlessly pounding through ego sessions with no major benefits, it's time to step back and take a closer look at your practice. Here are the six things that you (or someone you know) are emotionally attached to. 1 – Burpees The burpee originated in the 1940s for use in physical fitness tests in the... Read more →

Is It Time To Start Shredding or Bulking? Time To Answer Such A Common Question Once And For All.

Low reps or high reps? Free weights or machine? Dieting or Clean Eating? All of these questions pale in comparison to how often I’m asked whether it’s time to start cutting fat or bulking by athletes I consult. It’s time such a common question is answered once and for all so you can decide the option best suited for you. The macros calculators can be a great place to start, but tools like this are useless until you decide whether your current destination is Shredzville or Gainzville. Have Your Cake or Eat It The first realization that should be considered is the... Read more →

Reveil One Of The Big "Secrets" Of Success In The Gym.

Most people won't want to hear it. That's why most people are weak.  Read more →

Here Is How To Suppress Your Appetite 🍟🍡🍪

What do you do when those hunger pangs kick in? Stay far away from the kitchen or break room and hope it passes before you yield to temptation? Give in to your cravings and feel guilty afterward?Neither option sounds like a lot of fun!Thankfully, there are ways you can suppress your appetite. For example:• Have a protein-rich snack.• Eat avocados, coconut oil, or a handful of nuts.• Load up on fiber-heavy veggies at every meal.• Sniff a green apple (it totally works!)• Drink two glasses of water.• Distract yourself with a game, book, or movie All of these things can... Read more →

Myths vs. Facts About Women Lifting Weights

Female weightlifters have began to soar in the fitness industry following the realization that hitting the iron can actually support goals of sculpting a desirable physique. It’s understandable that entering the weights section for the first time can be a little daunting, but ladies, there’s really nothing to be frightened of! However, common myths still seem to be circulating about why women should not lift – and myths are all that they are! Lets de-bunk a few of these myths… Myth #1: Cardio is the only key to fat loss Cardio is not the be all and end all of fat loss! In fact, overdoing the cardio... Read more →